Water Treatment Encyclopedia

Electrodeionization EDI

EDI products are used worldwide to produce ultrapure water systems in diverse applications, including power generation, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, petrochemical and laboratory pure water systems.AES offers custom build EDI systems in va...

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Energy Recovery Systems

The energy costs in SWRO plants could represent up to 40 – 45% of the final costs of the water product, thus making highly efficient Energy Recovery Devices (ERD) of vital importance, as they allow for energy to be recovered from the brin...

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Extended Aeration Treatment Packages

Extended Aeration treatment system works by providing ideal conditions for aerobic bacteria and other micro-organisms; these micro-organisms then decompose the biological contaminants in the raw sewage. The treatment plant provides the prop...

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Filtration Systems

General Description   For thousands of years, filtration has been used to reduce the level of dirt, rust, suspended matter and other impurities from water. This is achieved by passing the dirty input water (influent) through a filter m...

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Fixed Film Activated Sludge System

Fixed Film / Activated Sludge (AESFAS) / MBBR Packaged Introduction: Fixed-film Activated Sludge (AESFAS) Technology/Package provides for additional biomass within a wastewater treatment facility in order to meet more stringent effluent par...

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Float Decanter

The floating decanter utilizes a circular weir for decanting the supernatant liquid and a flotation device for buoyantly supporting the weir within the basin. The floatation device also acts as a baffle to prevent scum from being withdrawn ...

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Floating Aerators

Aerated lagoons An aerated lagoon or aerated basin is a holding and/or treatment pond provided with artificial aeration to promote the biological oxidation of wastewaters. There are many other biological processes for the treatment of waste...

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Gravity Clarifiers

Sedimentation is the Unit operation in which the suspended solids in the water are settled with help of gravitational forces. The settled solids are scraped, collected &  pushed out of the unit. The unit is called Gravity Clarifier. Ba...

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Gravity Filters

Gravity filters are so named because water flows through the filter bed by gravity instead of being pushed through by a pump or a high static head of pressure. These filters are commonly found in municipal drinking water applications, but i...

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Grit Removal Systems

Grease and grit removal systems utilize a dual compartment basin, separated by flow control baffles, and incorporates adjustable air flow rates, a foam control system (optional) and fully automated devices on all grease skimming equipment. ...

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