Recovering a System Severely Scaled with Calcium Sulfate
A blueberry farm in South America was using RO treatedwater from brackish water wells for irrigation...

AWC Helps to Eliminate Silica Scaling in RO System with High Iron Feedwater
A 6 MGD water treatment plant in South Texas employs...

AWC Extends the Time Between Cleanings for Water Reuse RO in Northern Calif...
An 8 MGD wastewater reuse facility in Northern California employs 4 Reverse Osmosis trains. Each tra...

AWC Provides Cleaning Solution For Ultrafiltration System at the Cincinnati...
The Cincinnati Zoo uses an Ultrafiltration System (UF) to treat stormwater....

AWC Helps Ohio Municipal RO Reduce Cleaning Frequency and Improve Performan...
A municipal potable water RO plant located in Northwest Ohio has a design capacity of 2 MGD. It rece...

AWC Removes Seemingly Irreversible Foulant For Water Reuse Facility in Flor...
A power plant in South Florida requested AWC’s assistance in finding a solution to reverse the fou...

AWC helps Florida municipal RO save $150,000 per year by eliminating dosing...
The municipal potable water RO plant is on the west coast of Florida and has a design capacity of 20...

AWC Eliminates scaling Problem for Potable RO Plant in Alabama
The municipal potable water RO Plant has a capacity of 640 GPM. The plant consists of two trains, ea...